
Immersed Within the Clouds Ch.9 (Germany x Reader)

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Immersed Within the Clouds
(Germany x Reader)

Chapter 9:

Ludwig awoke some hours later to find both you and himself practically bare of any clothing. His hand trailed up and down the warm skin along your back with a grin tugging at his mouth. His large, calloused hand gingerly brushed a few smooth, shiny locks of hair from your face so his blue crystalline orbs could settle upon your innocent expression as you slept. His mouth brushed against several different sensitive places along your face and neck, gazing lovingly at the sweet image of you in his arms. As if the expression had compelled you to do so, you awoke with fluttering eyelids while a blush flitted across your soft cheeks.

The silence was comfortable as it cradled the newly romantic couple. The attention was not focused around the status of the room they were locked in, which had long been forgotten, but rather the warmth which radiated off the other. Was it even humanly possible for one to fall in love so easily? Perhaps they had reacted much too rashly. This would result in severe consequences which could-

Your lips pressed against Ludwig's causing his thoughts to blur and forget any regret he even considered. He was certain he loved you; the guilt and apprehension is what kept him from enjoying the moment. You playfully bit his lip as he smirked and denied you any entry before pulling away and resting his forehead against your own. His eyes gazed into those which mirrored his before calmly sliding closed, which you copied with a content sigh.

Suddenly, the locked door swung open revealing a rather pleased albino who immediately burned red all of over upon noticing what he had disrupted. He threw an arm over his eyes and turned the opposite direction before releasing a sly laugh which he failed to suppress. Ludwig had shielded you with his own body from his brother's eyes, but his attention was focused on you with eyes wide in horror. That could have been an SS soldier!

"I see you two had fun last night." Gilbert quipped as he allowed you two to dress before turning back around with a wink. He had predicted a similar outcome, though perhaps not in a makeshift jail cell.  You both averted your eyes in embarrassment as he continued to laugh and sputter out lame jokes. He may have been enjoying the moment and felt genuine happiness for his brother, but he was concerned how to conceal it from other disapproving eyes. That thought subconsciously swarmed through the trio's mind whether they noticed or not, but easily brushed it off for now.

"They let you in rather easily, hmm?" Ludwig yawned, leaning against a wall and attempted to remove the stubborn red which clung to his pale cheeks. Gilbert suddenly shoved his hands in his pockets and removed what appeared to be two rolls of bread. He displayed a proud grin while handing both to you.

"I couldn't swipe any wurst, but I thought it's better than nothing." He shrugged. Ludwig and you sent him a surprised look to which he uncomfortably rubbed the back of his neck.

"What?! I can worry about my bruder and his frau, can't I," Gilbert defended with an accusing tone. "Besides it's be so unawesome to leave you guys here alone and hungry."

"Do you know what's going on out there?" Ludwig inquired tearing a bit of the bread and eating it. Gilbert's face dropped as he turned away with contempt evident on his features. Ludwig perked up at his reaction, curious as to what could possibly dampen his brother's mood.

"They're working them to death. The orders are to fight, return to base, refuel, fight, and repeat until all enemies are dead or gone. I can't recognize half the people here! We've lost so many good men!" Gilbert seemed distressed as his fingers absent-mindedly combed through his messy white hair.  

"And no one has challenged this?" Ludwig roared. His eyes narrowed menacingly as his fists clenched in order to contain his temper.

"They were shot upon even questioning the new order - accused of treason, stripped of all honors, and shot." Gilbert grimaced as he spat the words. It was bizarre to see the albino act so seriously when his usual smirk normally was etched on his face.

"And Lutz?" Ludwig sighed slicking his hair back in vain.

"He should be here soon. He was visiting with Goering and creating this - thing." Gilbert grumbled. You only sat and listened, staring into the poor excuse for food which rested in your palms. All of this - the experience, it was all so new and confusing. All your life you've been told all German's were evil and all were subjects to the Party. This just displayed two out of a portion of the population, you were unsure of how many, who held hatred for the government and what they were doing.

Sure, it was absolutely impossible for every German or Prussian to feel this way as a great deal did actually support the Party, but your eyes had opened to a small group of people who wanted nothing to do with any fighting, suffering, or war. Ludwig and Prussia were defending their country and people, not blood-thirsty heathens who killed for world domination, which you had discovered previously.

"You should eat liebling." Ludwig murmured with closed eyes as his mind raced. Your appetite was the last thing on your mind, but when you opened your mouth to speak, Gilbert interrupted.

"Ja. It'll probably be the last thing you eat for a while." He spoke casually. Ludwig raised his head and snapped his eyes open in question.


"When Lutz gets here und notices an Allied pilot, she'll be shipped straight to a POW camp." Gilbert's eyebrows knitted together as he wondered why his younger brother hadn't thought everything through. Ludwig's eyes trailed to your widened eyes as you couldn't decide whether to breathe a sigh of relief or panic due to the expression he wore.

"Well a POW camp is much more preferable than being captured by an SS waffen soldier, right?" You mused resting a hand on Ludwig's shoulder. Gilbert shook his head while fixing his gaze on your face with a very serious expression.

"Those Gott verdammt SS are in charge of running the camps now. We're not allowed to be in or near them unless we've been assigned to work there," Gilbert grumbled with a sigh. "No one can tell me anything else because it's classified, so I can't tell you what it's going to be like for you, frau."

You nodded your head to show you understood him, but the fear which coursed through you now caused a bizarre facial expression. Ludwig noticed the motion and felt useless for what seemed like the first time in his. He always had a solution, but there was no way he could keep you safe without being sentenced to death for treason. Nonetheless, his large, well-built arms enfolded your waist and tugged you into his chest. Your shocked expression met his firm, warm torso gently as his fingers stroked your hair.

"I will get you out of here. No matter how long it takes or how hard it is, you will be safe." His low voice resonated throughout the room and the vibrations rumbled comfortably through you. Feeling frozen to the spot, the only response you could provide was a careful head nod. His lips gingerly brushed against the top of your head before he turned his attention towards his brother who gazed at the couple with solemn eyes.

"I'm going to wait for Lutz and try to figure something out." He decided releasing you and heading towards the door. Gilbert shot a glance which contained several conflicting emotions in your direction before opening and closing his mouth several times.

"It'd probably be safer if - you stayed here." He managed out slowly. You nodded slowly and pulled anxiously at the leather flight jacket you had redressed in.

"Please. Be careful and - watch over Ludwig too -" You let your voice decrease in volume with every word. In your entire life, caring about another person had never been a major priority. The only family you could recall was your brothers Alfred, Arthur, Mathew, and Francis; they were all entirely capable of handling themselves anyway. You knew Ludwig and Gilbert were as well, but perhaps not if they were to challenge a nation's military law. Gilbert grinned slightly at that.

"Of course. Und," He hesitated piquing your interest. "Danke."

Your eyes dulled with confusion at his remark. That meant 'thank you', right? Gilbert sighed when he say your perplexed expression.

"It means-"

"I know what it means, but - why?" You interrupted with raised eyebrows. He shifted awkwardly for a moment before releasing a sigh.

"For making him happy again." He whispered and lowered his gaze. You shot him a grin as his as he returned it and swiftly took his leave.

Ludwig could feel the heavy weight of the war bare itself back onto his shoulders the further he travelled from you. The few days he had been away from the base had relieved him of a certain feeling of responsibility. He was not required to follow the orders of his twin or those of a superior squad leader, and although it was - nice, if you could even call it that, the replaced expectations and predicaments had increased, creating a heavier presence on him. His head ached with forming assumptions of future events which may not even find their way into the real world.

One of his squadron members recognized him and nearly fell off his own two feet. Within moments, Ludwig was swarmed by a few of his inferiors as he attempted to reach the plane runway. At first he was shocked as he hadn't even noticed the others around him.

"General! How are – we thought you were dead!” One had spoken quickly as if he was worried he truly did not stand before him. Ludwig’s eyes trailed the expectant expressions of the younger men who stood before him. The bags beneath their eyes and nicks across their chins left a poor idea. Gilbert was right – they were destroying themselves.

Oh – yeah,” He finally murmured. “We just ran into a problem during our trip.

Ludwig attempted to elude from the small crowd who surrounded him. They obviously were unaware of his intentions as they kept pressing at him with questions - questions which involved a certain female prisoner. His lips straightened into a hard, thin line as he restrained from retorting a potentially regrettable quip for the group to – for lack of a better word – shut up.

I don’t have time to speak right now. Excuse me.” Ludwig peeled away and towards a flock of planes near a warehouse housing several stationed planes undergoing repair. A few mechanics chanced a glance up at the visitor while a smirk briefly lit their faces. Some waved a bit while others simple lifted their chins in a quick motion of acknowledgement.

From his current position, the German pilots could gaze out the large, shed-like opening and still retain a view of the busy runway. His bright blue eyes scanned the region for any other aspects of Lutz’s position control besides the unfortunate ones he had already encountered. His angry thoughts tumbled mercilessly around his aching mind before a familiar fighter flew above his head. He cast his eyes upwards to settle upon the descending aircraft which bore the name of his own plane.

Ludwig felt his dangerous notions multiply hastily while a scowl permeated itself into his brow and a tight grimace at his lips. He couldn’t very well march over there, assert himself as the pilot’s superior, and strip the jet from him, although he truly wished to do so. He shut his eyes tight and began to imagine calming breezes and warm atmosphere surrounding him just as he had once found in Italy while visiting his friend Feliciano. All he was able to recall were comfortable memories of his trip to the friendly, welcoming nation. Perhaps after the war he would elope with you and spend the rest of your life with him and his friend.

Suddenly, a thought struck a rather sensitive chord within his mind and body. He would never age while you would grow old and eventually die. Could he really turn back to you knowing that he would live beyond the war and into a future which held only the memory of these moments? A flash of despair flashed through him. He would be alone – no, not alone. He would have his friends and Gilbert, but after experiencing a relationship beyond one of simply friendly terms where an emotion he had never felt before portrayed itself so vibrantly throughout his self, it would feel lonely and empty.

He had never known that his life could feel such emptiness until he had experienced a life with you if only for one night. Should he then feel a sort of resentment towards you for something that had yet to happen, or simply be content with the fact he had even felt the life which involved someone who could allow him to forget the suffering he represented for his country? Ludwig could recall a saying – “It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all,” but could that really apply to one who was potentially immortal and would know that they’d never see the face one had loved again nor embrace them and eventually fall into such depression to wish for death.

Ludwig was fully capable of having his life taken away, but at the risk of his nation falling. Could he release his life in the chance he would meet you in an after-life which has yet to be proven in existence at the risk of the entire population of Germany? The German sighed with a stress infused motion as his hand smoothed back his hair. A large cargo plane flew overhead before descending into the base’s runway and effectively pulling Ludwig from his dismal thoughts. Lutz had arrived.

Ludwig marched to the plane once it skidded to a halt on the overused pathway. A few mechanics approached it with a few vehicles in order to drive it back into the warehouse to refuel. A few men arose from the aircraft and among them was Ludwig’s twin brother. He had an air of satisfaction surrounding him and a natural smirk graced his lips. Ludwig approached him from behind with his scowl quickly replacing the sullen expression he had sported just moments ago.

Welcome back, Lutz.” Ludwig snapped before biting his tongue to cage in the insults which yearned to drip from his lips. Lutz turned cautiously with slight curiosity as to who would speak to him so casually. His eyes widened slightly upon realization, but his smirk grew after a few moments.  

Brother! You’re alive and well. What good news!” Ludwig could hear the trenchant tone he had grown accustomed to. Ludwig choked slightly on a growl he strained to suppress.

Much to your displeasure, am I right?”  He quipped quickly keeping his voice at a level volume. Lutz chuckled slightly as he crossed his arms comfortably over his chest.

What’s with the harsh words?” Lutz innocently inquired.

Can you even see the damage you’ve caused?!

It’s for the advantage of our nation. The harder we fight the-

You are slowly destroying our nation.” Ludwig stated sternly. Lutz’s eyes narrowed at his words.

Saying things like that can have you killed for treason.” He replied just as sternly.

What you’re doing to this base is treasonous!” Ludwig was not known for containing his temper. Lutz scrutinized his older brother for a moment as he subconsciously ran a finger over the scar which marred his pale face. After a bit, Lutz released another chuckle as his violet eyes met with his brother’s perplexed blue ones.

You’re never so bold or rash around me unless you’ve something else on your mind,” Lutz commented pacing around the fuming pilot. “You brought back proof, didn’t you? You always were a stubborn little bastard.

I brought back the pilot, but-

The pilot? So you did not kill him? I couldn’t possibly give you a victory for just destroying a plane.” Lutz sucked at his teeth shaking his head. He took note of Ludwig’s unimpressed expression.

She saved my life. Gilbert’s too.” Ludwig admitted sheepishly.

She saved your life? You’re not one to often need help,” Lutz teased eyeing his brother as his face tinged a light pink. “You seem to want to defend her. Why?

I want to send her to Sweden.” Ludwig ignored his question in fear he would reveal the truth.

I’m afraid that’s not an option. You could either kill her or send her to a POW camp, although, I suppose I could kill her if you prefer, but you couldn’t get the victory that way.

No,” Ludwig spoke too quickly and shrunk back. “I don’t care about the victory.

Oh? And why not?

I was under the delusion that it represented honor and pride for our country, but now that I see you wearing it with all decorations, I realize it is nothing but an item used to track how many lives you’ve taken. It is not shameful to have pride, but we are basking in the fact we killed a human being.” Ludwig spoke honestly.

Oh, brother.  Are you preaching to me? ” Lutz sniggered ruffling Ludwig’s hair. Ludwig shoved his hand away with a growl.

Do not treat me like a child.” Ludwig warned turning away from him. Lutz pulled out a pistol and held it between them.

Now. You’ll have to make a decision. Though, to save yourself the heartbreak, I’d advise you to take the gun.” Lutz placed the gun into Ludwig’s trembling fingers. At this point, he was unsure whether he was trembling due to rage or apprehension. He had no idea what the Prisoner of War camps were like now, but he had no desire to let him nor his brother be the one to put you to death.

I’ll send her to the camp.” Ludwig grumbled pushing the pistol away. Lutz smirked and shrugged.

Go fetch her. I’ll arrange a vehicle and soldier to take her.” Lutz strode away with a satisfied air still hanging around him. Ludwig’s shoulders slumped forward as he realized he would not bring you to the camp, but he begrudgingly began his trek to the building anyway.

He stepped inside and cast his gaze on your figure who now drew innocent doodles in the dust on the walls. A smile tugged at his lips, but faltered when he remembered why he was there. He cleared his throat to catch your attention. Your eyes shifted to his rigid posture and grinned. He averted his gaze when you approached him and hugged him.

”You have to go-“

”I figured as much. I’m ready and I’ll wait as long as it takes for you.” You pulled his face to look you in the eyes. His forehead against your own before you both leaned in one last time. When you parted for air, he removed his iron cross and placed it around your neck. You grinned and touched it slightly.

”You know, when I look at this, I want to throw it to the ground and stomp on it.” You chuckled as he grinned softly.

”I know, but it’s all I have to give you right now. They’ll confiscate the flight jacket, but you can conceal this. I want you to have it.” Ludwig murmured softly. You nodded kissing his cheek.

Ludwig led you from the building cuffed and to the kubelwagen where an SS soldier waited patiently. Gilbert appeared and casually patted your back with a reassuring grin.

”I’ll see you soon, kleine schwester.” He sighed with one last comforting pat.

(A/N: When text is in bold it means they are speaking German. I thought it would be easier than putting it in German and translating it later.)

kleine schwester - little sister

Oh mah gawd! This took forever to write because of school! I'm an idiot and thought I could do way more classes than I thought. Well this is slightly longer than usual, but not by much...

Also, I did not reread this soo...
let me know if there are any mistakes, fav, and comments are always appreciated!

Enjoy :iconshaplz:

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CherryPuppy45's avatar
-cries softly-

[-listening to Through the trees while reading-]