
Prussia x Reader x Canada - Terms of Endearment

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Terms of Endearment
Popular! Prussia x Tomboy! Reader x Canada

    My back slumped in relief as the final bell resounded its obnoxious ring throughout the school. The day was over at last! I exited the classroom to make way towards my locker just down the hallway from my last period as Matthew approached me.

    ”Hey.” I greeted while spinning in the combination for the lock. He simply smiled in response and opted for the books in my arms as he did every day to which I always declined.

    ”I was wondering if I could walk you home today?” Matthew requested shyly from my side as he fiddled with the strap on his book bag.

    ”We’ve been friends – best friends for years now, Mattie. You don’t have to ask me if we can walk home. My answer will always be yes.” My lips pulled into a smirk as he nodded slightly embarrassed.

    ”Sorry.” He whispered matching my pace as we headed towards the main entrance of the school to begin the trek home. Matthew was truly the sweetest boy, but his confidence never really improved much despite the years of friendship. And although it’s hard to believe, he was much farther out of his shell than before, but he seemed a little out of it – to the point he seemed the retract a bit back into his old self. Perhaps something was wrong –

    ”Hey Mattie. Is something-“ My speech was interrupted by a pale arm wringing itself around my shoulders. Matthew seemed a bit stunned at the sudden appearance of the intrusion, and fell a bit behind as Gilbert pulled me ahead with him.

    ”Grüß Dich!” Gilbert’s voice cut through the air like a knife no matter how loud the surrounding area was at the moment. It was distinguishable among the largest of crowds as if his snowy hair and crimson eyes didn’t outcast him enough. All these unique traits did, however, aid his ability to catch the interest of others and form a large group of friends attracted to his boisterous confidence he objected through an ego larger than he could, admittedly, afford.

    ”Hello, Gilbert.” I greeted before casting an apologetic expression towards the crestfallen Canadian tailing behind. Gilbert smirked down at me with glimmering ruby eyes. What did he want now?

    ”Well, I have to tell you that I went to your game yesterday,” Gilbert began, his accent heavy from his few years of speaking English. He was speaking of the soccer game, of course. “And can I just say – wow! You are quite the girl. Beautiful and aggressive. I had no idea you played so well!”

    My face flushed a deep vermillion as Gilbert kept complimenting me on my skills as well as some other – assets. Sure, this wasn’t our first conversation, but it was so unusual that someone could speak so boldly with another without being too close. Matthew immediately caught my current position and attempted to catch Gilbert’s attention.

    ”H-Hey! Gilbert,” Matthew started matching the albino’s pace. “Excuse me, she has somewhere to be right now.”

    Gilbert ignored Matthew and even went as far as to brush him out of the way. My brow furrowed as I watched him bump into a few others in the hallway and profusely apologized despite it not being his fault. Gingerly, I removed Gilbert’s arm from my shoulder and placed it back to his side.

    ”Sorry, it’s been real nice talking to you, but I’ve made plans to study with Mattie at my house, so if you’ll just excuse me,” I slipped away and grabbed Matthew’s hand before we left school. Gilbert’s shoulders slumped as a dejected expression took over his usually proud attitude. Every conversation with him usually ended up with me using Matthew as an excuse to slip away, which was admittedly a pretty shitty thing to do, but what did he expect. His conversations were always bizarre and ranged towards some rather taboo subjects I rather steer clear of for the time being. Most of which involved parts of my body.

    ”Gilbert’s a bit of a jerk.” Matthew quietly stated despondently.

    ”He’s not a bad guy,” I chided with a hum. “He’s just a little egotistical.”

    ”A little?” He inquired peering from behind his wire-framed glasses.

    ”Yes, now shush. You promised you’d help me with my math, not chastise me about the guys you don’t care for.” I laughed pulling him forward so he’d pick up the pace.

    Matthew left to his own home a few hours later so he could make it back in time for dinner prepared by his big brother, Francis. He had made it clear before that while their parents were gone for business, he didn’t like eating alone, so he made an effort to make it back in time every time he cooked. His gait was bit slower than usual as his mind cluttered up with visions of that damn German with his arms wrapped around you.

    Ah, who was he kidding? If someone like Gilbert had his eye on you, he’d have no chance at you. Matthew moped as he trudged down the street until he remembered something.

    Francis is a love expert!

    Of course, how could he be so blind? Francis could help him win before Gilbert so long as he didn’t suggest something incredulous like serenading you or gifting expensive jewelry – something that was both out of his budget and also would most likely cast you away. He had known you long enough to know cheesy, romantic, mushy stuff wasn’t really the way to your heart.

    Eventually, he entered his home as anxiety stitched its way into his skin while he began to question the decision to go to Francis for help. His worries diminished for a moment when his nose caught the magnificent scent that was his older brother’s cooking. Matthew was lured into the kitchen while his stomach grumbled to see Francis hovering over the stove with a pan clutched carefully in his hand and a tune on his lips.

    Francis glanced curiously towards the doorway and grinned when Matthew’s stomach growled again. He prepared the plates expertly and crafted them into fantastic pieces of art. He truly took too much pride in his cooking, which may lead to some trouble while he is in college without access to such foods. Ah, well! Better to enjoy his culinary skills while he was still around.

    ”You made it back just in time.” Francis grinned causing Matthew to lift his gaze from the food he was currently settling onto the table.

    ”Oh – uh, that’s nice.” Matthew wasn’t paying attention, but rather contemplating how to approach his predicament without Francis acting too much like - Francis.

    ”Matthew – is everything alright? You seem a bit out of it.” Francis seated himself at the dining room table just after Matthew. His cerulean eyes search for his little brother’s who had busied himself with pushing his food around on the ceramic dish. Matthew opened his mouth, but shut it as he deeply regretted even considering asking for help.

    ”Yeah, I’m just a little – sleepy, is all.” He stammered as his thoughts conflicted each other and his heart felt heavy. Francis and Gilbert are friends. Asking him to help him win your heart was like asking him to betray one of his best friends.

    ”Matthew, it hurts to see you so desolate, especially when you won’t let me help,” Francis sighed in his ever-present accent dripping from his words. “But even if I can’t help, sometimes just talking about it is enough to ease the weight off your shoulders.”

    Francis always had a way with words and could probably convince anyone to do anything if he should so please, but he never abused his skills. It was almost too much to have to live in his shadow every day. He just exceeded in everything he did while Matthew – tended to keep out of anyone’s way. Despite wanting to do that at this very moment, Francis was right. It was now or never.

    ”Well, there’s this girl –“ Before anymore could slip from his mouth, Francis’ distinguishable laughter.

    ”Ah, I should have known a woman was the cause of your ails! I knew you had a thing for that pretty tomboy friend of yours – ever since you came home the first day you met her.” Francis continued to laugh as he jackknifed from the table to ensnare Matthew in his arms. Now Matthew regretted his decision again.

    ”This is why I was hesitant.” Matthew’s voice was barely above a whisper as his cheeks flared up in red.

    ”I have to warn you, though. Gilbert’s taken an interest in her as well,” Francis sighed in displeasure. “Although, when he takes an interest in anyone, it’s never very serious. Just a plaything.”

    ”What? He can’t treat her like that!” Matthew’s voice trembled in fear of what may happen should Gilbert win her over first. Francis released his brother from his arms as he nodded distastefully.

    ”Yes, I agree,” Francis’ voice trailed off so that not even Matthew could hear him. “Mais on n’apprend pas à un vieux singe à faire des grimaces.”

    ”Francis,” Matthew hesitated a moment as he carefully planned his next words. “Will you help me win her over?”

    ”As if you need to ask! Absolutely,” Francis grinned, but faltered a bit when he noticed his plate. “After you eat. I spent a long time slaving over the stove for you.”

    ”Tu es trop dramatique! I can’t wait now!” Matthew sputtered. Francis ruffled Matthew’s golden locks and retook his place at the table. His fingers pulled through his own hair in thought before a smile lit up his dazzling features.

    ”A trick that has always worked for me was embracing my French heritage.” Francis stated as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

    ”I – I don’t understand.”

    ”Every woman I’ve ever met has always enjoyed a little sweet talking. And there isn’t anything anyone loves more than an ‘exotic’ man – let alone one who speaks the language of love. ” Francis rested his chin in a raised palm as he spoke while his eyes glittered under the light of the dining room.

    ”So I should flirt in French?” Matthew didn’t understand where he was going with this. Sure, he was bilingual, but flirting in French was still as embarrassing as flirting in English.

    ”No, I know you can’t do that,” Francis chuckled as Matthew’s face bloomed into a vibrant scarlet. “Just spice up your conversations a bit with pet names. Nowadays, when a girl hears an English pet name from someone she isn’t dating yet, it can be – cheesy or off putting if you don’t choose your words well enough; but in French it sounds new and sweet. A bit of flirting couldn’t hurt, though.”

    That sounded – actually easy to do. You always gave Matthew little pet names just to see him blush, but the thought of you blushing because of something he said was enthralling. His face managed to gain a bit of color while he was consumed by a few daydreams, until a familiar laugh broke through the air again.

    ”You’re so cute, Matthew – but growing up so fast. Where have the years gone?” Francis pretended to wipe away a few tears.

    ”You’re only a year older than me!” Matthew exclaimed while Francis burst into another fit of laughter.

    My sneakers squeaked as I dragged them dreadfully through the hallway. Today had absolutely blown my brains out with all of its listless lectures and obnoxious fellow students. A dark, ominous aura probably surround my figure as I approached my locker which it appeared Matthew could see; he was trembling and fidgeting nervously.

    ”Hello, mon amour.”  Matthew stammered as his face blossomed into a bright red.  My gaze slowly rolled towards his now panicking form.

    ”Er – Hi, Matt.” I answered with a soft laugh. Was he alright? He is rarely ever this nervous around me.

    ”You l-look trés belle, today.” Matthew’s voice lowered to a whisper as he continued to speak. My eyes flickered towards my outfit then back to the bashful Canadian.

    ”Merci,” I replied sarcastically. “At least someone appreciates my fashion sense.”

    The tips of Matthew’s ears burned in embarrassment as I twirled to show off my plain jeans and t-shirt – not to mention the lazy pony tail. I failed to stifle the snort at my own obvious sarcasm, but successfully impeded the incoming laughing fit. Poor Matthew clearly had something to say and teasing him wasn’t helping.

    ”So, what’s up, Mattie? You’re acting – different.” My lips were pursed in thought Matthew dropped his face towards the floor and stuttered out some gibberish. The glare on his glasses made it almost unreadable to what he was attempting to muster out, but when my hand met his should, his rambling ceased immediately. He brought in an enormous gulp of air before exhaling shakily and lifting his gaze.

    ”I am trying to ask you out on a date tonight.” Matthew stuttered, fidgeting violently with his hands. W-What?

    My eyes widened and as I gave Matthew a blank expression. While he probably felt rejected, my insides had completely knotted into a giant ball of nerves. My heart pumped so hard it shook my body and flooded my cheeks so violently, I feared they’d never return to their original color.

    ”A-Are you alright?” Matthew waved a hand in front of my face. He was noticeably terrified that he had just ruined their friendship and would return to being ignored again.

    ”I’d love to.” I blurted once I returned back to Earth. Matthew’s face went from worried to complete shock in a few seconds. His blush diminished to a subtle pink dust as a smile broke across his pale face. A strange feeling bubbled in my stomach as we stood for a moment or two just smiling at each other.

    ”Hey, baby. The awesome me has a question for you.” Gilbert smirked as he leaned against the lockers with trapped beneath him. My face was inflamed once more beneath his intense crimson gaze and alluring lips pulled at his usual crooked angle.

    ”Oh, hello, Gilbert.” I stammered slightly turning my head so I wasn’t in direct line of his fierce stare. Matthew attempted to pull him away, but Gilbert merely shook him off.

    ”So, how would you like to be escorted by me to an awesome dinner tonight?” He inquired leaning closer. My heartbeat quickened the closer he grew while the same feeling from earlier invaded my insides.

    ”S-Sorry, Gil, but I already have a date.” I mustered out as while eluding his grasp. Gilbert’s expression fell as his arms fell limply to his sides. Matthew shot him a victorious grin before leading me from the school by the arm. I felt a little bad, but he was well liked enough to win over any other person he wanted – gender wasn’t an issue with charisma like that.

    ”Already has a date,” Gilbert murmured in disbelief.  His fist smashed into the metal lockers in frustration. “I lost to that little maple leaf nerd?!”

    Gilbert marched back home fuming with a scowl persistently perched on his brow. He just couldn’t wrap his mind around how Matthew had won you over. Even if he had asked first, didn’t he have more to offer? Without thinking, he flung the front door wide open and slammed it shut behind him before striding towards the couch and stuffing his face in the cushions.

    ”Should I be worried or are you throwing a routine hissy fit?” Ludwig peered up from his homework to investigate his older brother sulking in the couch.

    ”Shut it, Ludwig! I’m depressed.” Gilbert groaned into the sofa seat. Ludwig carefully set aside his homework and fully turned to his overly dramatic brother knowing he’d keep groaning until he helped him.

    ”What’s wrong?” He sighed. Gilbert shot up from the seat and faced his younger brother.

    ”My crush rejected me today – for some nerdy nobody!” He tossed the pillow across the room.

    ”Yeah - I can’t help you there.” Ludwig moved to bring his homework elsewhere until Gilbert leapt forward and caught his shirt.


    ”What now?” Ludwig was severely annoyed at this point. Gilbert may not care for school, but he still did.

    ”She’s in your class isn’t she? The pretty one with beautiful eyes – and shiny hair and – the voice of an angel and –“

    ”Gilbert,” Ludwig pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know who you’re talking about. You haven’t stopped telling everyone about her for weeks.”

    ”Well, tell me what you know!” Gilbert nearly pounced on top of the poor boy who sighed in contempt. He cursed you silently for rejecting his love-struck brother.

    ”I only have two classes with her and haven’t spoken to her all year. The only thing I know is she’s best friends with Matthew Williams,” Ludwig shook off his brother’s grasp and made his way from the room. “I’m going to my room. Please keep your moping as far away as possible.”

    Gilbert couldn’t help but laugh his snake like laughter as he left. He’d made a note to tease him later, but for now, he had to consult his best friends – Antonio and Francis. He swiftly snatched up his phone and texted them to come over as soon as possible.

    About an hour later, the two missing members of the trio arrived. Gilbert sluggishly pulled himself to the door and yanked it open to reveal his troublemaking friends. Upon witnessing the sullen expression on Gilbert’s face, their smirks fell and ushered him to the sofa in the living room.

    ”Gilbert, what has you so long faced?” Antonio inquired, his cheerful gleam slightly dulled with worry.

    ”That girl I’ve been talking about rejected me today, but I think I might have liked her too much to just move on,” Gilbert explained. “I think I’m dying!”

    ”Woah, amigo! I think you might be in love!” Antonio cheered slapping a hand on his shoulder.

    ”Oui, and I’m sure you can win her over eventually.” Francis chimed in with a smile.

    ”She has her eyes on this nerdy Canadian kid, though. And they’ve known each other since – forever!” Gilbert crowed with a frown. At this point, Francis clamed up. He couldn’t believe Gilbert was actually serious about a woman for once in his life, and he just helped hook her up with his little brother.

    ”That’s – uh – awful, Gil.” Francis pushed through his teeth. Antonio shared a moment of confusion before lifting his gaze.

    ”I think I know who he is! Isn’t that your little brother, Francis?” He exclaimed with mirth.

    ”Oh – I’m completely sure it is another Canadian boy of the same age and appearance as this stranger you’re speaking of.” Francis nervously chuckled averting his panicking gaze.

    ”No way! I forgot about your brother,” Gilbert crowed before his eyes narrowed. “But if I remember correctly, he was too shy to do much of anything. There’s no way he could get a girl to go on a date with him without some help or advice from a - love expert.”

    Gilbert had pushed forward so his smug face sat inches from Francis’. Antonio only observed from afar, but enjoyed how flustered his friend was over the situation. Gilbert was going on that date and stealing her away whether Francis was going to cooperate or not.

    ”No, Gilbert. I will not give him away. How was I supposed to know you were actually serious about a girl for once?! Matthew deserves her!” Francis finally retaliated giving up the clueless act. Gilbert sat back into the couch and merely mumbled, “I see,” before twiddling thumbs in thought.

    ”It’d just be a shame, you know, if all your hair was shaved off.” Gilbert shot a wicked smirk at the Frenchman who bolted from the sofa.

    ”Antonio! Don’t let him escape!” Gilbert followed suit as Antonio covered the front door. Francis was confronted face to face with Antonio and entrapped from the other side by Gilbert.

    ”Toni, not you, too.” Francis frowned while the other simply shrugged.

    ”Sorry, amigo. This is the first time Gil’s ever been serious about a girl. We can’t just let that slide.”

    ”So, Francis, how did Matthew win her over?” Gilbert inquired with a dangerous glint in his crimson eyes. Francis had every intention of keeping quiet until Gilbert made a snipping motion with his index and middle fingers.

    ”F-Fine,” Francis sighed with furrowed eyebrows. “I just told him to sweet talk her with some French pet names. That’s all – I swear!”

    ”And she – liked that?” Gilbert blinked, wiping his intimidating expression from his face.

    ”Of course,” Francis deadpanned.  “It’s the language of love - everybody likes it.”

    ”Hey, Spanish is a love language, too!” Antonio pouted while Francis scoffed.

    ”Perhaps, but French is far more appealing and romantic.” Francis pointed with a grin.

    ”Not to Arthur.” Antonio jeered with a grin.

    ”Who cares what that black sheep thinks?!” Francis cried before Gilbert interrupted with a quick, “Shut it!”

    ”That’s not what this is about. I just need to know where those two are.” Gilbert waved his hands trying to move the conversation along faster.

    ”Forget it! You can threaten me all you want, but I won’t give away anymore.” Francis crossed his arms and turned away from the albino’s lingering gaze.

    ”I just so happen to have Arthur’s address. Let’s say we call him up and ask him to make something special for our good friend here.” Gilbert watched as Francis’ eyes widened and his face acquired a slightly green hue as a result of remembering the Englishman’s cooking.

    ”No, no! Please! Matthew brought her to the carnival. Please, I want to leave another day!” Francis dropped to his knees and begged.

    ”Oi, Francis, his cooking’s not that bad. It’s just tasteless.” Antonio chuckled.

    ”I’d rather die than see food treated in such a manner.” He declared while Gilbert and Francis simultaneously sighed, “He is too dramatic.”

    ”Are you having fun, ma belle?” Matthew inquired tilting his cotton candy to his side in an effort to share the delicious confection. For whatever reason, he kept tacking those extra words at the end of quite a bit of his sentences, but to be honest, I had no idea what they meant. Was I supposed to know?

    ”Yeah, absolutely. It’s been forever since I’ve last been to a carnival. I’m actually glad you brought me here.” The words naturally flowed from my lips as they were absolutely true. Matthew’s face lit ablaze with blush and a soft smile. He seemed happier than usual, which made him cuter than I even thought possible.

    ”I’m glad. I figured you wouldn’t want to dress up for dinner since you really don’t like dressing up.” He chuckled softly and tousled his golden locks absentmindedly.

    While striding through the temporary park, Matthew’s hand slightly bumped mine, but he immediately retracted a great distance away before whispering out a, “Sorry.” I seized his hand in mine and began leading him towards the Ferris wheel which resulted in poor Matthew’s head nearly bursting from his shoulders. On our short trek, however, someone forced through our hands, effectively separating them, and placed an arm across my shoulders. Startled, I lifted my gaze to (fortunately) meet the gaze of someone I knew – Gilbert.

    ”I can’t believe you’re here, too,” Gilbert exclaimed attempting to pull me from the original path only to have Matthew follow closely. He let his ruby stare fall on the fumbling Canadian before he spoke with the worst accent Matthew had ever heard in his life. “Bonjour, maple leaf.”

    ”I don’t know if I’ve ever seen you by yourself before, Gil.” A chuckle tumbled from my mouth as images of the mischievous Bad Touch Trio flitted through my mind. My thoughts were broken when Gilbert raised his opposite arm to reveal a plastic which he rummaged through. He protruded a plastic case and forced it feverishly into my hands with excitement coursing through his skin.

    ”W-What is this?” I inquired inspecting the cover to discover he handed me a video game.

    ”I heard you were really excited for this new game to come out, so I got it for you.” A bright, pearly-white smile split across his ivory face.

    ”This wasn’t supposed to come out for another week!” I exclaimed with wide eyes flipping the case over several times in disbelief of what lay in my hands.

    ”Yeah, I know this guy and pulled some strings. Aren’t I thoughtful?” Gilbert smirked.

    ”Yeah, thank you! I mean – I could kiss you right now!” It felt like I hadn’t blinked in a while as my eyes were captivated by even the font used for the title. Gilbert blinked a few times as he acquired a blush, but soon puckered his lips and leaned forward expecting his wildest fantasies to unfold in that moment.

    ”Psh! Gilbert, you’re hilarious!” I laughed, gingerly shoving him away. Gilbert joined the laughter in a slightly uneasy tone.

    ”Yeah – hilarious –“ He agreed awkwardly. Matthew seemed a bit forlorn as he dragged his feet along the ground. Matthew’s expression fell as he fell behind us as Gilbert kept pulling me forward.

    ”It was nice seeing you and all, but we were kind of on a date-“ Matthew was interrupted when Gilbert began sprinting towards a carnival game with my wrist still locked in his palm. His already forlorn expression deepened as he trudged along behind us.

    ”What are we doing?” I managed out before we stopped in front of a booth with large illuminated letters spelling out “Spill the Milk”.

    ”I’m going to win you the biggest, awesomest prize they have!” Gilbert announced digging in his pocket for a few wrinkled bills.

    ”Gilbert, you have to win six times in a row to get the biggest prize.” Matthew deadpanned.

    ”Oh, shut it, Cana-duh!” Gilbert cackled at his own joke as he retrieved the two heavy balls from the worker inside the booth. Matthew rolled his eyes and leaned against the counter as we both watched Gilbert carefully line his aim on fire to the wooden milk bottles opposite him.

    ”This is how you do it!” Gilbert crowed as he launched the first ball, but only managed to narrowly miss the poor worker who shot a hard glare at the now sheepish albino.

    ”Oh, was that it?” Matthew scoffed, resting a cheek on his palm as the light hid his annoyed, yet violet eyes. Gilbert’s face flushed in anger and slight embarrassment when I giggled along with Matthew. He had to admit it was actually pretty funny!

    ”I was just warming up!” He cried before he hurled the second ball as hard as he could. It smacked against the back wall with an ear splitting noise before returned to its original trajectory and bashed against Gilbert’s windpipe.

    ”Oh my God!” I dropped to his side when he fell to the ground and clutched his throat with Matthew on his other side. He coughed a few times before releasing a frustrated growl. Matthew and I burst into a fit of laughter when he jackknifed back to his feet and clutched his throat.

    ”Hey! My awesome throat is going to be bruised thanks to your stupid ball!” Gilbert jabbed a finger at the worker who held his hands up in defense.

    ”That was your own fault, sir,” He stated before pointing to the splintered wood. “And you’re going to have to pay for the damages!”

    ”Whatever – just get me another round.” Gilbert slammed another bill on the table as the worker reluctantly handed him another set of balls.

    Gilbert slammed his face on the counter in shame as the worker flicked through the large pile of what was once Gilbert’s cash. He moaned in agony as he realized just how light his wallet felt now. My hands soothingly rubbed his back, hoping he would finish his fit soon.

    ”You’re going to get conned out of all of your money, Gil. It’s a really hard game! And I didn’t even want a prize that bad anyway.” I assured him as he stood straight up with a scowl on his face.

    ”You’re right. This game is hard – too hard. It must be rigged!” While those weren’t my exact words, if they helped him cope, there was no use correcting him. He didn’t cease his ranting until a loud crash and tumbling sound caused the both of us to turn towards Matthew who nonchalantly tossed his second ball in the air while the tower of milk bottles across from him were completely cleared from the small shelf.

    ”H-How?” Gilbert’s mouth was frozen in such a way that he resembled a fish out of water.

    ”Geez, Matt! Did you do that?” Matthew’s face flushed when he noticed he caught our attention.

    ”Y-Yeah, I did.” He turned away as the worker placed a decent sized polar bear plush on the counter and took back the extra ball.

    ”And I thought I had a good arm. It only took you one try!” I laughed as Gilbert sulked behind me.

    ”Alfred taught me some stuff when I was younger,” He whispered, feeling self-conscious now that I was actually paying attention to him. To avoid any hesitation, he immediately shoved the plush into your arms. “For you, mon chou.”

    ”Mon chou? Really – is that the best you can do - to call such a perfect woman a cabbage?” Gilbert scoffed as we both turned to face him again. He had retrieved a book from the bag on his wrist and held it open with a smirk.

    ”What?” I wasn’t sure whether to be flustered over Gilbert calling me perfect or Matthew calling me a cabbage.

    ”Yup! Right here it says ‘chou’ translates to cabbage.” As it turned out, he had a French to English Dictionary. Why was he randomly carrying that?

    ”It’s a pet name and can also mean sweetie!” Matthew defended with scarlet cheeks.

    ”For the language of love, it sure is weird you find vegetables romantic.” Gilbert cackled with his distinctive laughter.

    ”That’s not the context –“ Matthew pouted slightly turning away.

    ”Er – let’s go find something else to do.” I urged seizing Matthew’s hand to comfort him. Despite him facing the other way, I could see the tips of his ears flush. Gilbert took my other hand and led the three of us towards the line for the Ferris wheel.

    ”Oh, it looks like it only seats two people,” Gilbert sighed sarcastically. “Sorry, Mattie. Looks like you can’t ride with us this time.”

    ”She’s on a date with me.” Matthew countered.

    ”We can find something else we can all do.” I suggested, but it seemed they were determined to put me on the ride with one of them.

    ”Would you please ride with me, mon cochon?” Matthew inquired with a soft grin.

    ”You heartless Canadian! How dare you call her a pig?!” Gilbert had produced the dictionary once more much to Matthew’s dismay.

    ”Eh – ma poule?”

    ”Does she look like she resembles a hen?”

    ”Ma loutre.”


    ”Mon canard.”


    ”Ma puce.”

    ”My flea? Are you even trying?” Gilbert cackled as he watch Matthew fidget underneath his predicament. Were these actual pet names?

    ”Ma moitié!” Matthew cried out in exasperation.

    ”My half! Oh – wait, that one was actually really good –“ Gilbert murmured rereading the definition. My cheeks flushed at that. Did he really think of me that way?

    ”Why do you even have that?” Matthew inquired with annoyance laced on his hushed voice.

    ”I decided to take up French – since I’m friends with Francis and all.” It was blatantly obvious he was lying through his teeth.

    ”Francis? You made him tell you everything didn’t you?!” Matthew burst out in the loudest voice he could muster, which still wasn’t quite loud considering all the noise in the park.

    ”Psh! What are you talking about?” Gilbert chuckled nervously and waved it off with a flick of his wrist.

    ”I’ll give you a what for!” Matthew declared as Gilbert unleashed a loud laugh.

    ”Oh, yeah? What’re you going to do about it, Cana-duh?” He sneered.

    ”You already used that!”

    ”It was really clever!”

    ”No it wasn’t!”

    ”You’re just jealous you aren’t an awesome, rare Prussian like me!”

    ”At least I know I’m from a country that exists!”

    ”Prussia does exist! It’s just – only the awesome people recognize it! Shut up!”

    ”Have you ever read a history book?”

    By now, we had reached the front of the line and I was thoroughly irritated. Today was supposed to be a nice, relaxing night, and of course the two guys had to almost completely ruin it. But, not to worry! This girl had a few tricks up her sleeve.

    ”Hey guys, it’s our turn!” I called over their (well more or less over Prussia’s voice) arguing. They immediately ceased the insults and rushed towards the open cart. As they did so, I slipped the operator a nice bill.

    ”This is all yours if you can take them around a few times.” The operator grinned having witnessed the entire incident as he took the money with a wink.

    Yeah, maybe my feelings were a little mixed up for these ridiculous boys, but sometimes it’s better to just finish the night with a new video game and a new plush to cuddle with. I’m sure they would enjoy the rest of the night despite my absence. Although, I didn’t really hear them both sigh as they were lifted to the top the same words before more bickering broke out.

    ”I love that girl.”

Request for :iconlovelycatbyme: as a gift for being my 100th watcher :D
I am so sorry this took so long!! I hope it is good enough to make up for how long it actually took for me to upload this :iconlazycryplz:

This is my first time writing for Canada, too, so I'd like to know how I did. Also, I decided to utilize (for the most part) a first person writing style. I'd like to know if you guys prefer first or second person when it comes to fics :)

If there are any mistakes, please let me know! I only used my own knowledge of French and German, so if it's incorrect, please do not
hesitate to let me know :)

Grüß Dich - I greet you/ greet you (only used when very familiar with the other person).
Tu es trop dramatique! - You are too dramatic!
Mon amour - my love
Ma belle - beautiful (literally my beautiful)
Mais on n’apprend pas à un vieux singe à faire des grimaces. - One cannot teach something old something new/one can't teach an old dog new tricks (Literally: One does not teach an old monkey to make faces).

Enjoy :iconshaplz:

I own nothing! Except the story :D
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Floridadaawesome's avatar
”At least I know I’m from a country that exists!” 

Shots fired!!!

But also, i'd probably just take em both, because they're cuties.